“The DevOps Pathway Series” is a masterful collection of five books, each meticulously crafted to address distinct facets of DevOps from fundamental concepts to sophisticated applications and leadership. This series stands as a comprehensive guide for anyone involved in or aiming to delve into the evolving realm of DevOps. With...
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Agile meets DevOps
“Agile Meets DevOps” is an essential guide that intricately weaves together two of the most transformative frameworks in the world of software development and IT operations. This book is crafted not just as a handbook but as a comprehensive roadmap for professionals aiming to harmonize the agility of Agile methodologies...
Continue reading...Scaling DevOps Impact
“Scaling DevOps Impact” provides an essential roadmap for organizations looking to enhance their DevOps capabilities as they grow. This book, the third in the “The DevOps Pathway Series,” offers a deep dive into the strategies and leadership skills necessary to not just survive, but thrive, in a high-growth DevOps environment....
Continue reading...Agile Methodologies: More Than Just Sprints and Stand-ups
Unveiling the Agile Universe “Agile Methodologies” – a term often encapsulated in the imagery of rapid sprints and daily stand-ups. However, like an iceberg, what’s visible on the surface is just a fraction of its entirety. Agile is a vast expanse, where these methodologies are not just about the mechanics...
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