
Agile meets DevOps

Agile meets DevOps

“Agile Meets DevOps” is an essential guide that intricately weaves together two of the most transformative frameworks in the world of software development and IT operations. This book is crafted not just as a handbook but as a comprehensive roadmap for professionals aiming to harmonize the agility of Agile methodologies...

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Scaling DevOps Impact

Scaling DevOps Impact

“Scaling DevOps Impact” provides an essential roadmap for organizations looking to enhance their DevOps capabilities as they grow. This book, the third in the “The DevOps Pathway Series,” offers a deep dive into the strategies and leadership skills necessary to not just survive, but thrive, in a high-growth DevOps environment....

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Blueprint: Automated Operations

Blueprint: Automated Operations

“Blueprint: Automated Operations” stands as an essential guide, meticulously outlining the journey toward mastering automation within IT operations. This book serves as a cornerstone for IT professionals seeking to revolutionize their approach to technology management through the implementation of automation strategies that enhance efficiency, precision, and scalability. From the outset,...

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Projector Lens

Agile Audit: DevOps Under the Lens

In the fast-paced environment of DevOps, where agility and rapid deployment are paramount, conducting an Agile Audit is like putting DevOps under a magnifying glass. This process scrutinizes the methodologies and practices employed in DevOps to ensure they truly embody agile principles. Let’s delve into what an Agile Audit entails...

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Azure Cloud Security

Securing Your Azure Cloud

In today’s digital landscape, cloud security is a paramount concern for businesses and individuals alike. When it comes to Microsoft Azure, a leading cloud service provider, understanding and implementing robust security measures is crucial. This post will guide you through the essential strategies for securing your Azure cloud environment, ensuring...

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aws bills

AWS Cost Optimization Secrets

Navigating the cost structure of Amazon Web Services (AWS) can feel like uncovering the secrets of a hidden treasure. With the right knowledge and strategies, you can optimize your AWS spending, ensuring you’re getting the most out of every dollar spent. In this post, we’ll explore the secrets of AWS...

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code deploy

DevOps: Code, Deploy, Comply!

In the dynamic sphere of DevOps, the mantra “Code, Deploy, Comply!” encapsulates the essence of modern software development and deployment. This trifecta highlights the evolving role of DevOps, which now extends beyond efficient coding and deployment to include a critical component: compliance. Let’s unravel how these three elements intertwine to...

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Azure 101: Understanding the Basics

Microsoft Azure is a powerhouse in the cloud computing arena, offering a broad range of services that cater to various business needs. Understanding Azure’s basics is crucial for anyone looking to leverage its capabilities effectively. This guide aims to provide a foundational understanding of Azure, demystifying its core components and...

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