Blueprint: Automated Operations

Blueprint: Automated Operations

“Blueprint: Automated Operations” stands as an essential guide, meticulously outlining the journey toward mastering automation within IT operations. This book serves as a cornerstone for IT professionals seeking to revolutionize their approach to technology management through the implementation of automation strategies that enhance efficiency, precision, and scalability. From the outset,...

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Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code: A Startup’s Secret Weapon

Empowering Startups with Infrastructure as Code Startups today are rapidly embracing ‘Infrastructure as Code’ (IaC) as their secret weapon for agile and efficient IT management. This approach manages and provisions infrastructure through code instead of manual processes, revolutionizing startup operations. Startups using Infrastructure as Code automate their infrastructure setup, deployment,...

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ITOPs convergence

The Convergence of ITOps and CloudOps: Managing Hybrid Infrastructures

ITOps and CloudOps complexity continues compounding as on-premises data centers persist despite accelerating cloud migration. Managing this dynamic landscape demands consolidating historically disparate skill sets into cohesive teams blending cloud fluidity with institutional wisdom. In my own journey, the synergies uncovered at the intersection of legacy and next-generation often surprise...

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ITOps regulations

ITOps Compliance: Navigating Regulations in Tech Management

In increasingly complex technology environments, ITOps compliance represents order enabling security and reliability — not just restrictive bureaucracy. As innovations accelerate, infrastructure and data now dynamically scale across clouds and continents in seconds. While this business agility propels growth, it also risks substantial penalties if compromised. By taking a strategic...

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